May Session Business

The May Session meeting was held on May 16th at 6:30 p.m.

Elders present were Dr. Frank Babb, Mike Lawson, Kathy Roberts, Cindy Terzenbach, Edd Farabee and Pastor Jon Sharpe present as the moderator.

A devotional was given and a recap of the Gospel Reset Weekend with Bill Senyard and what it meant to all of us.   Discussion was held on how to implement this concept in our lives which is to preach the Gospel to ourselves.

All the financial reports  and meeting minutes were given and considered.  Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve them as presented.

Jane's salary was discussed and it was approved to raise her salary $1 per hour.  The motion was made by Dr. Babb and carried.

Dr. Babb will fill the pulpit on May 27th, 2018, Memorial weekend,  during Pastor Jon's absence.

Pastor Jon will be on study leave May 22nd through May 29th.

Meeting was dismissed with prayer.


Cindy Terzenbach

Clerk of Session, Pro-tem